27. 3D FSI simulation of non-contact tonometry
Benedetta Piva, Politecnico di Milano
Jose Felix Rodriguez Matas, Politecnico di Milano
Giulia Luraghi, Politecnico di Milano
Miguel Angel Ariza-Gracia, Universidad de Zaragoza and Universitat Bern
Non-contact tonometry (NCT) test is a non-invasive method to measure the intraocular pressure (IOP) and other biomarkers useful to predict some pathologies of the cornea, such as glaucoma. The aim of this study is to simulate this clinical test using a 3D FSI model of the eye, which involves internal humors. Results show the importance of considering the non-linear anisotropic material for the cornea and of incorporating the humors. This investigation is necessary to better understand how the outputs of clinical test can be related to the mechanical properties of biological tissue.

35. Numerical simulations for road tunnels fire safety
Mariarita De Rinaldis, Università del Salento
Sandro Gori, EnginSoft SpA
Marco Spagnolo, EnginSoft SpA
Giorgio Zavarise, Politecnico di Torino
Ada Malagnino, Università del Salento
Among the different sections of a road infrastructure, tunnels host the most relevant accidents in terms of victims and damages. In this work, the smoke propagation during a potential fire event and its effects on the evacuation dynamics have been analysed. The design fire and the physical characteristics distribution of the tunnel occupants were defined through experimental data. Since the Condò road tunnel was designed according to a prescriptive regulation, a critical comparison between the performance-based and the prescriptive-based approaches can be carried out.
Civil Engineering

21. Digital twin in healthcare: development of an integrated imaging and finite element model of Cardioband® procedure for the treatment of mitral regurgitation
Emanuele Gasparotti, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Emanuele Vignali, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Katia Capellini, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Benigno Marco Fanni, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Alfredo Giuseppe Cerillo, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Sergio Berti, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Luigi Landini, Università di Pisa
Vincenzo Positano, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Simona Celi, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Percutaneous mitral valve annuloplasty procedures are gaining attention as an alternative to surgical intervention in reducing Mitral Regurgitation. A new annuloplasty procedure, called Cardioband, consists in fixing a specific polyester sleeve, through helicoidal metal anchors (about 12-17), around the mitral annulus and in contracting this one by pulling a sewn wire. The aim of this study is to analyse different implantation of anchors (number and positions) by integrating image processing and Finite Element Simulation to develop an in-silico tool for clinical planning.

14. Digital Twin: Conceptualization, Implementation and Simulation for a New Production Plant
Michael Kranz, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Benedikt Andrew Latos, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Jan Brinkjans, Miele & Cie. KG, Gütersloh, Germany
Florens L. Burgert, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Sebastian Tschöpe, Miele & Cie. KG, Gütersloh, Germany
Philipp Pzybysz, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Susanne Mütze-Niewöhner, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
The poster presents the conceptualization and implementation of a Digital Twin for a new production plant of a manufacturer of white goods. A hierarchical Top-Down-Model was developed that incorporates 3 levels. On the plant level, modular simulation models for all production lines were implemented. These models are detailed on the second level and include 3D simulation models of every line. The third level includes equipment simulation in terms of multi-body simulation approaches. The results are discussed and future steps of controlling the physical system via the digital twin are outlined.
Consumer Goods

19. Wind turbine research activity at University of Padova
Andrea Dal Monte, Università degli studi di Padova
Luca Menegozzo, Università degli studi di Padova
Ernesto Benini, Università degli studi di Padova
COMETES research group of University of Padova presents its research activities regarding design and numerical analysis of wind turbines. The main topics treated are: development of 1D BEM and 2D-3D CFD models, aero-structural analysis and multi-objective optimisations, implementation of fully automatic OpenSource environment for HAWT / VAWT aerodynamic analysis and unsteady CFD simulation of wind turbine operating under gust conditions.
Listen to the interviews of some Poster Award protagonists
Poster Award - Finalists

01. Numerical and experimental assessment of fatigue life of additively manufactured PA12 lightweight materials
Stefano Rosso, University of Padova - Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering - Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
Gianpaolo Savio, University of Padova - Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering - Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
Andrea Curtarello, University of Padova - Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering - Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
Diego Boscolo Bozza, EnginSoft S.p.A.
Roberto Meneghello, University of Padova - Department of Management and Engineering - Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
Gianmaria Concheri, University of Padova - Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering - Laboratory of Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
Commercial CAD software show important limitations in lattice structures modeling methods. Recent researches proposed a new approach based on direct polygonal mesh modeling, exploiting subdivision algorithms. Mechanical properties and fatigue behavior of lattices modeled with this approach are not yet well understood. In this work, numerical and experimental static and fatigue tests were carried out on additively manufactured bulk and lattice specimens; stress distribution and surface curvature were numerically studied. Results showed that the modeling method enhances lattice fatigue life.
Additive Manufacturing

02. Loss Analysis for Flux Leakage of In-Motion WPT
Osamu Shimizu, The University of Tokyo
Hiroshi Fujimoto, The University of Tokyo
Kensuke Hanajiri, The University of Tokyo
In-motion WPT(Wireless Power Transfer) is the important method to solve electric vehicle's problem. However eddy current loss by flux leakage is the problem for achieving high efficiency. And there is also problem about building accurate mesh model. Eddy current loss analysis needs fine mesh, but WPT system is too big to build fine mesh model. In this research, the new method to estimate eddy current loss by CAE and analytical calculation based on CAE result is proposed.

03. Numerical Modelling of Multilayer Woven Para-aramid Fabrics
Marta Maria Moure, Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Josue Aranda Ruiz, Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Francisco Javier Galán-Ortega, Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Marcos Rodriguez-Millan, Mechanical Engineering Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
In this work, a mesoscopic 3D numerical model, able to predict the ballistic limit and the damaged area of woven aramid fabrics, has been developed. Two different types of fabrics based on para-aramid yarns with different interlacing geometries have been characterized and analyzed from yarn level to weave level. Mechanical properties such as maximum stress, failure strain, and elastic modulus have been obtained from uniaxial tensile tests, while the inter-yarn friction coefficients (static and kinetic) have been obtained by a combination of single yarn pull-out tests and an analytical model. The numerical model has been validate through ballistic impact tests in terms of ballistic limit and damaged area. Additionally, the model has been used to study the impact response of multilayer fabrics, obtaining the influence of the number of layer in the ballistic limit.

04. The role of simulations for LAA closure procedure: from planning to post-procedural analysis
Katia Capellini, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "Gabriele Monasterio", Massa, Italy
Benigno Marco Fanni, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "Gabriele Monasterio", Massa, Italy
E. Gasparotti, BioCardioLab, Bioengineering Unit, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Massa, Italy
E. Vignali, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
D. Sabatino, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
M. Di Leonardo, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
S. Berti, Adult Cardiology Unit, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Massa, Italy
L. Landini, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
V. Positano, BioCardioLab, Bioengineering Unit, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Massa, Italy
S. Celi, BioCardioLab, Bioengineering Unit, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Massa, Italy
The left atrial appendage (LAA) closure procedure is an important intervention in cardiovascular field. A 3D model of left atrium was reconstructed from CT imaging and numerical simulations were run in order to investigate the pre and post left atrium and LAA fluid dynamics, including the expansion of the Watchman device. No relevant differences in the simulations were found considering WSS distribution leading to the conclusion that probably the Watchman insertion does not generate inflammatory phenomena.

05. A numerical and experimental approach for the design of a novel 3D printed bioinspired cardiac pneumatic pump
Emanuele Vignali, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Emanuele Gasparotti, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Zaira Manigrasso, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Benedetta Biffi, Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College of London, London, UK
Katia Capellini, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Benigno Marco Fanni, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Silvia Schievano, Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College of London, London, UK
Luigi Landini, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa
Simona Celi, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
The current study is aimed at developing a novel pneumatic pump suitable for cardiovascular mock circuits, able to reproduce the full ventricle movement and compatible with the magnetic resonance environment. For this purpose, a set of Finite Element simulations has been set to assess the performances of 4 pump designs. A final design has been selected on the basis of comparison with the displacement fields and twist movement of the real ventricle. The simulation results have been then validated through experimental data from a custom setup to pressurize a 3D printed prototype of the pump.

06. A Seismic Performance Assessment of a 1980s Perimeter Steel Moment Resisting Frame Using Non-Linear Analysis
Ryan Taylor, University College London
San Francisco is arguably one of the world’s most seismically vulnerable cities. Previous seismic events have revealed flaws in the design and construction practices of Steel Moment Resisting Frames constructed between 1960 to 1990, which is the most common tall building system over 35 stories. This study employs advance non-linear time history analysis to evaluate the seismic response of a 50 storey steel perimeter moment resisting frame. The simulations suggest that the structure will not meet life safety objectives under a 475 year return period event posing significant risk to the city.
Civil Engineering

07. Advanced methods for the design against fatigue of rotating components in electrical generators
Nicola Pretto, Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova - Vicenza, Italy
Nicola Pornaro, Marelli Motori S.p.A. Arzignano - Vicenza, Italy
Michele Zappalorto, Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova - Vicenza, Italy
Today, in an increasingly competitive commercial environment, is well know that the innovation plays a key role to determine a success of a company. This improvement should not limits only to an increase of overall machine’s performance but it should regard also an enhancement of the design procedure efficiency and the mechanical verification methodology. This is why Marelli Motori S.p.a. (Arzignano, VI), one of the leading companies in electrical motors and generators market, has decided to go further and be updated upon most recent state of the art knowledge and technology. This work is focused to a structural optimization and verification on a bulk of rotating components inside a Marelli Motori Alternator in which advanced design fatigue assessment methodologies, recently developed in the scientific literature, have been applied and evaluated. At the end a CFD analysis has been also carried out in order to investigate the effect of the geometrical optimization in the air cooling flux. Marelli Motori gets advantage in both directions: tangible benefits were obtained in terms of advanced fatigue assessment technologies and thermal heat exchange improvement inside the alternator.

08. NablaFoil: a tool for the airfoil real-time aerodynamic prediction
Andrea Dal Monte, Università di Padova
Giovanni Venturelli, Università di Padova
Gianluigi Mistè, Nablawave, Padova
Davide Papale, Nablawave, Padova
Ernesto Benini, Università di Padova
NablaFoil represents a new, innovative approach to the design of the airfoils. Concepts from different disciplines constitute the tool. Some algorithms allow to parametrize the airfoil shapes using the most advanced mathematical representations. Through an interactive mode the user can adapt, by hand, the shape of the airfoil and check in real-time the performance. A neural network runs in background in order to extrapolate the results from a huge database of airfoils. The database has been created using xFoil, one of the most accurate panel code developed by MIT. The main features are: i) Real-time estimation of aerodynamic performance, ii) Choice the aerodynamic target in terms of Angle of Attack, Reynolds Number, Lift and Drag Coefficients, iii) Easy change of the parametrization techniques, iv) Over 150k airfoil shapes used to populate the airfoil map.

09. Designing and testing of an automatic virtual wind tunnel tool to support the research on an innovative racing solar cells car
Raffaele Ponzini, CINECA
Francecso Salvadore, CINECA
Felipe Vanucchi De Camargo, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna
Ana Pavlovic, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna
Cristiano Fragassa, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna
In solar cells racing cars, aerodynamics efficiency impact is of about 50% on the overall performance being drag reduction the main driving parameter for design improvements. Physical wind tunnel analysis can be time consuming during the preliminary design limiting the number of shape evaluation. A virtualized computational approach can be winning. Virtual testing is a well-established procedure by means of Reynolds averaged 3D computational Fluid Dynamics. Here an automatic workflow procedure for 3D aerodynamics problems has been developed in the open-source CFD Toolbox (OpenFOAM) to take advantage of state-of-the-art HPC systems by means of simple and intuitive text user interface (TUI).

10. Tall buildings subjected to horizontal loading: Structural analysis by an in-house numerical code
Giuseppe Nitti, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering
Giuseppe Lacidogna, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering
Alberto Carpinteri, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Italy - Torino.
In this contribution, an original analytical methodology, called General Algorithm, has been implemented in a software which can be used in preliminary design of High-rise structures. The main advantage of this approach is that it requires a shorter computation time if compared to FEM software programs, obtaining results which are quite close to those achieved by the commercial software programs. This approximation is commonly accepted in the preliminary design stage of a High-rise building. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by two examples on real High-rise buildings.
Civil Engineering

11. Automatic drag coefficient ranking for the efficient fairings design process of a racing sport motorbike using OpenFOAM and HPC clusters with a zero Euro budget
Alessandro Alfonso Scibona, PolimiMotorcycleFactory - Politecnico di Milano
Mauricio Gutierrez, PolimiMotorcycleFactory - Politecnico di Milano
Andrea Pesarin, PolimiMotorcycleFactory – Politecnico di Milano
Raffaele Ponzini, CINECA
Alice Balestra, PolimiMotorcycleFactory - Politecnico di Milano
Azul Amadeo, PolimiMotorcycleFactory - Politecnico di Milano
Our poster is a summary of the last two year’s work on CFD simulation for the development and production of the fairing for a racing sport bike. During these two years we set up many different fairing’s shape CAD and produced two sets of these, first in 2017 and then in 2018 choosing the most performing shape according to simulations data results. In addition to the production, thanks to our collaboration with CINECA, we set up a simple yet intuitive text user interface (TUI) to obtain semi-automatic OpenFoam simulations’ preparation, launching and post processing.
Civil Engineering

12. An improvement in the assessment of multi-axial fatigue behavior of Nitinol Medical Devices
Francesca Berti, Politecnico di Milano
Gabriele Dubini, Politecnico di Milano
Pei-Jiang Wang, Biomedical Engineering Center, Institute for Medical Engineering & Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Dario Allegretti, LaBS, Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
Carlo Guala, LaBS, Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
Francesco Migliavacca, LaBS, Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
Giancarlo Pennati, LaBS, Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
Elazer R Edelman, Biomedical Engineering Center, Institute for Medical Engineering & Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Lorenza Petrini, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Nickel-Titanium alloys are widely used for biomedical applications,e.g. peripheral stenting.Standards require to experimentally verify stent fatigue behavior without indications on the worst case scenario.Four fatigue criteria have been originally developed for standard metals to predict the behavior under cyclic loads,but none of them is formulated for NiTinol.This numerical study has two aims: investigating how non-proportional loading conditions affect the stent stress/strain distribution and understanding how the prediction may be affected by the choice of the fatigue criterion

13. Polymeric coronary stenting: numerical evaluation of all strain-rate dependence and comparison between implicit and explicit methods
Luca Antonini, Politecnico di Milano
Giancarlo Pennati, Politecnico di Milano
Sara Colombo, Politecnico di Milano
Mattia Iaccheri, Politecnico di Milano
Francesca Berti, Politecnico di Milano
Claudio Chiastra, Politecnico di Milano
Lorenza Petrini, Politecnico di Milano
The common strategy adopted to analyze the implantation of coronary stent consists in carrying out quasi-static explicit simulations. Such an approach may prove to be erroneous with material behavior dependent on the strain-rate. In this work the viscous effects have been evaluated performing a realistic and an accelerated implicit simulation reproducing the full stenting procedure. The comparison between explicit and implicit solvers has been carried out to evaluate the weight of target time increment value on simulation results and computational costs for crimping stent simulations.

14. Digital Twin: Conceptualization, Implementation and Simulation for a New Production Plant
Michael Kranz, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Benedikt Andrew Latos, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Jan Brinkjans, Miele & Cie. KG, Gütersloh, Germany
Florens L. Burgert, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Sebastian Tschöpe, Miele & Cie. KG, Gütersloh, Germany
Philipp Pzybysz, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Susanne Mütze-Niewöhner, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
The poster presents the conceptualization and implementation of a Digital Twin for a new production plant of a manufacturer of white goods. A hierarchical Top-Down-Model was developed that incorporates 3 levels. On the plant level, modular simulation models for all production lines were implemented. These models are detailed on the second level and include 3D simulation models of every line. The third level includes equipment simulation in terms of multi-body simulation approaches. The results are discussed and future steps of controlling the physical system via the digital twin are outlined.
Consumer Goods

15. Design of a competitive axial turbine for a downsized Turbocharged IC Engine
Lorenzo Baietta, Brunel University London
The continue research for engine efficiency improvements is one of the major challenges of the last decades, leading to the design of highly downsized boosted engines. Among other boosting strategies, turbocharging allows to recover part of the exhaust gas energy, improving the overall efficiency of the power unit. However, turbochargers lead to less responsive power units because of the widely known turbo-lag effect due to the inertia of the rotating parts in the system. With engine manufacturers testing different concepts to reduce this effect, for both commercial and motorsport applications, this work is about the development of a low inertia turbocharger axial turbine, evaluating pro and cons of several design solution. The idea is to initially evaluate the performance (mainly efficiency) difference between prismatic and twisted blades turbine for different size ranges. In fact, as one of the issue of axial turbines compared to radial ones is the production cost, the use of low aspect ratios blades, in such a way to minimize the difference between the use of 3D optimized turbines and prismatic turbines, should allow for more cost-effective solutions to be implemented. After selecting a specific engine to develop the axial turbine, several CAE techniques were used to verify the idea and to obtain the best possible solution. The OEM turbocharger was 3D scanned, with a blue light technology stereoscopic optical system, to acquire accurate geometry data and calculate several properties. A Ricardo Wave 1D engine model, calibrated on the dyno, was run to obtain the boundary conditions for the design of the new turbine. Several turbines were preliminary designed and optimized with AxSTREAM and their performances were evaluated considering many parameters, mainly focusing on the reduction of the turbocharger spool-up time. The generated turbine preliminary CAD and the scanned OEM turbine mesh were used along with CAM programs at an external company to estimate the production cost of different solutions. A final turbine design was chosen, among the pre-designed ones, to be validated with generation of complete maps within the AxSTREAM streamline solver and further optimized with increasing precision CFD simulations in AxCFD. 2D cascade simulations were used to optimize the stator and rotor airfoils. Then, axisymmetric CFD simulations were run at several operating points to quickly investigate the suitability of the generated design for the whole power unit operating range. To conclude, full 3D and FEA simulations were conducted to obtain more accurate values and complete the design process of the turbine. The results of the simulations demonstrate the superiority of the proposed turbine both from the spool-up factor and efficiency point of view, confirming the success of the project. A 17% cost rise for the turbine, which is even less when calculated in respect of the whole turbocharger cost, represents a small price for an average 167% spool-up factor gain.

16. Seismic upgrading of existing RC structures by metal plate shear walls: full scale tests and FEM modelling
Antonio Formisano, University of Naples Federico II
The research deals with the use of full and perforated Steel Plate Shear Walls (SPSWs) for seismic retrofitting of existing Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures. Local and global FEM analyses by means of SAP2000 and ABAQUS programs have been performed to examine the retrofitted RC structure and to study the SPSWs-RC beam interaction. The effectiveness of using perforated panels with different patterns of holes has been evaluated in order to reduce the strengthening interventions on the RC beam. In conclusion, simplified and precautionary check relationships for the RC beam have been developed.
Civil Engineering

17. Crack propagation analysis of ITER Vacuum Vessel port stub with Radial Basis Functions mesh morphing
Edoardo Pompa, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Gabriele D’Amico, Fusion for Energy Spain - Barcelona
Stefano Porziani, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Francesco Giorgetti, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
The ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV) is one of the most important component of the ITER machine. The severe operating conditions of the tokamak impose the component to be designed to withstand strong dynamic loads. Due to the not total accessibility of the VV to non-destructive examination (NDE), but also to identify the minimum safe dimension of defects embedded in the component, nuclear codes give useful guidelines for the verification of the design via Fracture Mechanics (FM) analyses. In this article the application of a new method to evaluate the crack shape evolution during cyclic loadings will be presented. This method use Finite Elements Analysis in conjunction with Radial Basis Function morphing technique for a fast arrangement of the existing mesh to a new configuration.

18. Modeling techniques for braided stent devices
Alissa Zaccaria, Politecnico di Milano
Francesco Migliavacca, Politecnico di Milano
Lorenza Petrini, Politecnico di Milano
Giancarlo Pennati, Politecnico di Milano
Braided stents are endoprosthesis used to treat vascular diseases in a mini-invasive way. They are crimped, inserted in a catheter and released in situ to restore proper blood flow. While mathematical modeling could support device selection and reduce post-operative complications, FE simulations are still too computationally expensive. This is due to the difficulty of describing the contact among the interlaced wires that constitute the device. In this work, two possible solutions are compared. The simulations are conducted in Abaqus and a Matlab code was implemented for mesh generation.

19. Wind turbine research activity at University of Padova
Andrea Dal Monte, Università degli studi di Padova
Luca Menegozzo, Università degli studi di Padova
Ernesto Benini, Università degli studi di Padova
COMETES research group of University of Padova presents its research activities regarding design and numerical analysis of wind turbines. The main topics treated are: development of 1D BEM and 2D-3D CFD models, aero-structural analysis and multi-objective optimisations, implementation of fully automatic OpenSource environment for HAWT / VAWT aerodynamic analysis and unsteady CFD simulation of wind turbine operating under gust conditions.

20. A combined in silico and in vitro image-based approach for the mechanical characterization of patient-specific cardiovascular structures
Benigno Marco Fanni, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "G. Monasterio", Massa, Italy
Simona Celi, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "G. Monasterio", Massa, Italy
Emanuele Gasparotti, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "G. Monasterio", Massa, Italy
Emanuele Vignali, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "G. Monasterio", Massa, Italy
Katia Capellini, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "G. Monasterio", Massa, Italy
Silvia Schievano, Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College of London, London, United Kingdom
Luigi Landini,, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Claudio Capelli, Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College of London, London, United Kingdom
Vincenzo Positano, BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana "G. Monasterio", Massa, Italy
In the context of minimally invasive cardiovascular intervention, this study proposes a novel framework able to infer the mechanical properties of patient-specific blood vessels from Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PC-MRI) analysis. A mock circulatory system was set up to acquire PC-MRI data of 3D printed phantoms. Material elasticity was estimated with direct and image-based methods. Fluid-structure interaction simulations were run for both in vitro and in vivo models in order to evaluate the predictive capability of the image-based framework in terms of area deformation.

21. Digital twin in healthcare: development of an integrated imaging and finite element model of Cardioband® procedure for the treatment of mitral regurgitation
Emanuele Gasparotti, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Emanuele Vignali, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Katia Capellini, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Benigno Marco Fanni, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Alfredo Giuseppe Cerillo, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Sergio Berti, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Luigi Landini, Università di Pisa
Vincenzo Positano, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Simona Celi, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio
Percutaneous mitral valve annuloplasty procedures are gaining attention as an alternative to surgical intervention in reducing Mitral Regurgitation. A new annuloplasty procedure, called Cardioband, consists in fixing a specific polyester sleeve, through helicoidal metal anchors (about 12-17), around the mitral annulus and in contracting this one by pulling a sewn wire. The aim of this study is to analyse different implantation of anchors (number and positions) by integrating image processing and Finite Element Simulation to develop an in-silico tool for clinical planning.

22. Aerodynamic optimisation of a morphing leading edge airfoil
Andrea Magrini, Università Degli Studi di Padova
Ernesto Benini, Università Degli Studi di Padova
A morphing leading edge airfoil is optimized for aerodynamic performance with different objectives. A constant arc length parameterization employing the Class/Shape Transformation technique is built to limit the axial deformation introduced by morphing. The optimization is performed with a standard methodology based on genetic algorithms, comparing the results for three different aerodynamic models: a potential flow solver with boundary layer calculation (XFOIL), a fully turbulent RANS model (Spalart-Allmaras) and a transitional RANS model (gamma-theta). Whereas the solutions obtained with the third model are standard droop nose shapes, those found via transitional models show an uncommon deformation with an upward leading edge deflection. Development of optimization strategy is also performed by building an hybrid procedure based on a metamodel-assisted approach. Several nonlinear regression methods are investigated to compare the accuracy in fitness approximation and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was finally selected. Application of the improved algorithm to a probelm previously solved with a standard approach shows that the use of a surrogate model, combined with a gradient based method for local individual improvement, is able to provide a reduction of the convergence effort when approximating the highly nonlinear relationship between the constant arc length parameterization and the aerodynamic behavior predicted with gamma-theta model.

23. Global Optimization and Infinity Computing
Marat Mukhametzhanov,
DIMES, University of Calabria
The research is oriented to solving real-life problems including important industrial applications: expensive and ill-conditioned optimization problems in image processing and noisy data fitting; stable and precise solution to ODEs; exact higher order numerical differentiation. New efficient methods for solving them are proposed for both traditional computers and the Infinity Computer – a supercomputer allowing one to work numerically with infinities and infinitesimals. In particular, results presented in our recent paper in Scientific Reports show the advantages of the proposed methods.
Information and Communication Technologies

24. Numerical analysis of a new combat helmet design against ballistic impact
Marcos Rodríguez-Millán, Carlos III University of Madrid
Marta Maria Moure, Carlos III University of Madrid
Josue Aranda, Carlos III University of Madrid
Alvaro Olmedo, FECSA
The use of these materials in combat helmets, body protections and combat vehicles requires an exhaustive analysis of their behaviour in order to satisfy the safety requirements. Personal protections are usually based on fibre reinforced polymer composites, especially Kevlar fibres. The helmet's protective capabilities are commonly evaluated in terms of two parameters: the impact velocity (in general V50 velocity) and the back face deformation (BFD). In this paper, a numerical finite element model was developed in order to predict the response of a combat helmet subjected to ballistic impact.

25. Advanced numerical model for viscous friction between rough rubber and smooth ice
Riccardo Leonardi, Politecnico di Torino
Alessandro Scattina, Politecnico di Torino
Salvatore Scalera, Dynamore Italia
The aim of this work is to simulate the frictional behaviour during a sliding contact between rubber and ice. Such interaction is mainly characterized by the frictional heat which leads to the melting of the ice. The commercial finite element code LS-DYNA integrated with a user defined subroutine was used. The considered physical phenomenon was simulated including both the thermodynamic and the hydrodynamic effects. The comparison between LS-DYNA results and the ones proposed in literature showed good correlation.

26. A multi-objective optimisation of a transonic compressor cascade
Francesco De Vanna, Università degli Studi di Padova
Ernesto Benini, Università degli Studi di Padova
The posters explains the main results obtained in the development of a fully automatic optimisation procedure applied to a transonic compressor cascade. The structure of the algorithm is shown and the main numerical results.

27. 3D FSI simulation of non-contact tonometry
Benedetta Piva, Politecnico di Milano
Jose Felix Rodriguez Matas, Politecnico di Milano
Giulia Luraghi, Politecnico di Milano
Miguel Angel Ariza-Gracia, Universidad de Zaragoza and Universitat Bern
Non-contact tonometry (NCT) test is a non-invasive method to measure the intraocular pressure (IOP) and other biomarkers useful to predict some pathologies of the cornea, such as glaucoma. The aim of this study is to simulate this clinical test using a 3D FSI model of the eye, which involves internal humors. Results show the importance of considering the non-linear anisotropic material for the cornea and of incorporating the humors. This investigation is necessary to better understand how the outputs of clinical test can be related to the mechanical properties of biological tissue.

28. Many objective optimization of advanced power systems for aircraft
Teresa Donateo, Università del Salento
Claudia Lucia De Pascalis, Università del Salento
Antonio Ficarella, Università del Salento
This poster summarizes the results of a research project whose goal is to compare multi-objective optimization methods on a series of numerical benchmarks and test-cases in the aeronautical field with particular reference to electric and hybrid electric unmanned aerial vehicles. Goal of the investigation is also exploiting the synergy between aircraft structure, power system and mission specification.

29. A Fluid-structure Interaction Patient-specific Computational Methodology To Study Aortic Roots With Native Calcified Valves
Arianna Bianchi, Politecnico di Milano
Eva Legramandi, Politecnico di Milano
Giulia Luraghi, Politecnico di Milano.
Alexia Rossi, Humanitas Research Hospital Rozzano (MI).
Davide Cao, Humanitas Research Hospital Rozzano (MI).
José Félix Rodriguez Matas, Politecnico di Milano.
Giulio Stefanini, Humanitas Research Hospital Rozzano (MI).
Francesco Migliavacca, Politecnico di Milano.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a minimally invasive treatment for patients with aortic stenosis. The aim of this work is the development of a patient-specific FSI model to reproduce the pathological condition of the patient before TAVI. Patient-specific data were collected from computed tomography, Doppler and pressure curves measurements. The FSI model predicted a total regurgitant flow and maximum velocity compatible with Doppler measurements. The development of FSI patient-specific model can be used as a support for clinical decisions before the implantation.

30. Development and Evaluation of a Complexity Measure for the Work of Assembly Teams
Benedikt Andrew Latos, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Peyman Kalantar, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Florens L. Burgert, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Matthias G. Arend, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Verena Nitsch, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Philipp Przybysz, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Susanne Mütze-Niewöhner, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
The demand for individualized products increases the complexity in assembly. This poster presents the development of a complexity measure for the work of assembly teams that work in One-Piece-Flow assembly systems. It is based on the Shannon Entropy complexity measurement approach. The measure is implemented into a 3D simulation model. Moreover, the results of simulation studies are presented that were conducted to evaluate the measure. Finally, the results are discussed and further research steps of implementing the measure into a Digital Twin of the assembly line are conceptualized.
Consumer Goods

31. Impact of aortic tissue anisotropy and valve calcification on patient-specific transcatheter aortic valve implantation simulations
Gabriele Garavaglia, Politecnico di Milano
Luigi Giannetta, Politecnico di Milano
Giulia Luraghi, Politecnico di Milano
Alberto García, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Francesco Migliavacca, Politecnico di Milano
José Félix Rodriguez Matas, Politecnico di Milano
Transcatheter aortic valve Implantation (TAVI) is a minimally invasive treatment for high-risk patients with aortic stenosis. The aim of this work is the development of a patient-specific structural model to evaluate the influence of the native aortic root and calcified native valve on TAVI. A fully parametrized CAD model of the valve is developed and then FE simulations are implemented with different material models. The carried-out simulations demonstrate the impact of different constitutive laws for the aorta and the calcification on a complete TAVI numerical model.

32. Local hemodynamics of patient-specific diseased femoral arteries: role of the inflow boundary condition
Monika Colombo, Politecnico di Milano
Marco Bologna, Politecnico di Milano
Josè Felix Rodriguez Matas, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Francesco Migliavacca, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Marc Garbey, University La Rochelle, France
Scott Berceli, Department of Surgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
Claudio Chiastra, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
In-stent restenosis is the major drawback of self-expandable stenting treatment of diseased femoral arteries. Hemodynamics, altered by stent presence, may be correlated to restenosis. To do that, a general computational framework to perform patient-specific CFD analyses was developed. In particular, this work focuses on the importance of a reliable and patient-derived inflow boundary condition. By evaluating the impact on local hemodynamics (in terms of near-wall and bulk flow quantities) of a different inflow condition, the most proper CFD model to study stented femoral arteries is proposed.

33. Aerodynamic Development of a 2017 F1 Car: Performance Improvement in Freestream and Wake Flows
Umberto Ravelli, University of Bergamo
Despite several attempts to solve the aerodynamic issues affecting high-downforce cars in slipstream, overtaking in F1 is still a challenge. 2017 F1 cars suffer a huge performance loss when working in wake flows. When approaching the leading car, the following driver experiences a dramatic decrease in downforce and a significant change in front balance: this leads to safety problems in high-speed corners and during braking. Starting from the ©PERRINN 2017 F1 car, different devices have been numerically tested, with the aim of improving aerodynamic performance both in freestream and wake flows.

34. Prediction of the CCT shift of 22MnB5 steel using LS-Dyna MAT_244
Giulia Venturato, University of Padova
Andrea Ghiotti, University of Padova
Stefania Bruschi, University of Padova
The hot stamping process is becoming, in the last years, a key process in the automotive sector. This process allows the manufacturer to use thinner metal sheets with high mechanical properties, with which they are able to increase the safety of the vehicle while reducing its weight. The steels sheet used are thermal treated to reach a full austenitic microstructure and then the sheet is formed, while it is still at high temperature and in austenitic phase, and cooled thanks to cooled dies. During the cooling phase, the microstructural transformations occur, until a fully martensitic microstructure or a martensitic-bainitic microstructure is reached. This phase of the process is highly delicate because incorrect cooling rates in some areas of the blank lead to unexpected mixture of phases in the material and the mechanical properties cannot be granted. For this reason, the numerical simulations are largely used to simulate the stamping process, and foresee the correct parameters that must be applied to the real process. Anyway, the microstructural transformation in steels is not a simple process to be simulated, due to the delicate equilibrium of temperature, time and, as already shown in literature, an applied strain or stress, which can anticipate or delay the phase transformation. The combination of these parameters is of vital importance in the hot stamping process, because the mechanical properties of the final piece is strictly linked to its microstructure. This paper aims to analyse the influence of the parameters relative to the kinetic of transformation in the Ls-Dyna material model 244_UHS_STEEL. This particular material model implemented in the software allow to take into account not only the data relative to the material, but also the influence of applied pre-strain in the blank which shift the phase transformation. An accurate calibration of these parameters allows to obtain a complete description of the cooling phase of the hot stamping process, allowing to accurately calibrate the die speed, the cooling rate and time.

35. Numerical simulations for road tunnels fire safety
Mariarita De Rinaldis, Università del Salento
Sandro Gori, EnginSoft SpA
Marco Spagnolo, EnginSoft SpA
Giorgio Zavarise, Politecnico di Torino
Ada Malagnino, Università del Salento
Among the different sections of a road infrastructure, tunnels host the most relevant accidents in terms of victims and damages. In this work, the smoke propagation during a potential fire event and its effects on the evacuation dynamics have been analysed. The design fire and the physical characteristics distribution of the tunnel occupants were defined through experimental data. Since the Condò road tunnel was designed according to a prescriptive regulation, a critical comparison between the performance-based and the prescriptive-based approaches can be carried out.
Civil Engineering

36. A innovative and powerful mobile anti-ramming system
Sergio Baragetti, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Emanuele Salvador, Besenzoni S.p.A.,
Emanuele Vincenzo Arcieri, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy
The vehicle-ramming terror attacks of the last years pointed out a critical issue: all of us could be victims during a walk in our cities. For this reason, crowded places are now protected by concrete barriers. But are these devices effective? Starting from this question, UniBG and Besenzoni Spa developed a new mobile and good-looking barrier consisting in a flowerpot filled with water. Its high deformability and the capability of the water to take away a lot of energy allow to stop a 3500 kg vehicle at 64 km/h and the obstacle in few meters. A new startup (BDP Srl) was founded.

37. Innovative Integrated Power Systems for All Electric Ships
Andrea Vicenzutti, University of Trieste
The All Electric Ship concept is a standard for ships with large power requirements. At present, the onboard Integrated Power System (IPS) design complexity is tackled through a well-proven process, relying on historical data and trial-and-error procedures developed in the past 30 years. However, the IPS evolution is pushing towards new architectures and subsystems, lowering the conventional design process efficiency. Thus, a new design paradigm can be defined, using specific software tools (exploiting Failure Tree Analyses and IPS dynamic simulations) to achieve an improved design process.

38. Educational “Own Discoveries” Method by an easy MATLAB-Programming for Engineers
Yevgeny A. Gayev, National aviation university, Aerospace Control Systems Department
Valery N. Azarskov, National aviation university, Aerospace Control Systems Department
We present an innovative educational course of “Programming for Engineers” here that makes true own student’ discoveries in variety of sciences. We get first year students usually with “shiny eyes”. Our education aims to keep their shining till the end of education. Unfortunately, today’s youth has not been a fan of mathematics and physics like it was in 1960-1980, but they are fans of computers and the Internet, and the latter is the key stone to find proper education methodology. We suggest an “Easy Programming” with MATLAB that allows students to avoid much technical obstruction and concentrate to the problem in focus, either mathematical or physical one. As the result, students make their “Own Discoveries” and enjoy both programming and their “experimental tool”, i.e. MATLAB-program. A few examples have been provided in this poster, much more will be displayed in the Conference.

39. Constitutive Shell Model Calibration for Low-Velocity Impact on Basalt Fibre Reinforced Composites
Felipe Vannucchi de Camargo, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Ana Pavlovic, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Cristiano Fragassa, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Raffaele Ponzini, CINECA, Super Computing Applications and Innovation Department - SCAI, Milan Operational Site
Acknowledging composite plastics as suitable structural materials for applications where light-weight components are required and encouraging the usage of natural reinforcements for more sustainable designs, this work aims at calibrating a numerical model of a basalt fibre/vinylester laminate to allow a practical assessment of its low-velocity impact behavior. The composite was studied for the potential application on the monocoque chassis of a solar-powered electric vehicle, but the simulation guidelines described can be considered in any case involving low-energy impact on this material.
Poster Award Sponsors | Edition 2018